
Sitting is defeat, sitting in denial, sitting in despair, sitting for the sake of sitting. How is it when we sit that we become accustomed to our own product of temptations. Is it that we just sit for hours without any recourse for thinking.

Thinking is and thinking does, but what is thinking. Thinking is the electoral impulses the brain delivers to the body. But it can also make us think of unnecessary meanings.


Flowers blossom in the summertime, beautiful arrangements of seedlings coming from the ground up. Flowers look lovely and are a nice scenery to the fact that they are just that. Then flowers wither in the autumn setting aside a long duration for hibernation and to grow again from seeds.

Bad Omens turning good.

Evil within, evil amongst, evil everywhere. Light is God, Light breaks evil, Light defeats evil. Evil tries to repent, evil tries to fight. Light gives a mighty hit that evil and darkness sees the light.

Evil Vs Good is something that every being knows. They try to be one or the other, but those that are truly blessed by the light will never falter. Only those that uses the darkness and evil doings become bad and spend time in a vicinity that they do not like.

Make each day the best you can and only do good.

Wisdom all around.

Wisdom learnt, Wisdom shared, Wisdom given, Wisdom taken. Wisdom is.

Wisdom is something that has to be learned through experiences from any act of acceptance to the fact that it must be learned. Deviating from this and you will face grave dangers to the fact that all that has been learned will be taken away if you had never actually experienced what it is that is needed to be learned.