In The Valley Of Doubt

When you are petite and growing up, you have doubts about everything in your life. This is just a reaction that is primordial. It just makes you think about whether you could and should do something.

In the valley of doubt, I walk, I walk, and I stop and think under no conditions. It is just allas that I would trigger my inner emotions from the confines of my mind. We, just as one, are willing to give everything ago. But doubt sets in, and we are unable to think logically.

Once in the valley of doubt, we walk, we walk, but we only walk so far, knowing that we may fail. It only takes a second to reconvene our inner emotions to think that if we fail, we can try again.

Just as it was when we were doing our daily chores to do extensive research on a topic unknown, we reached out into the vast void of wonder and gained a semblance of what should be. Just as it was, we navigated to our ruled lines and wrote the prosthesis of our accolade.

Doomed are we to find if our whole life is just a lesson to be learned, and vast swathes of emotion come out and we cry? Knowing that in all modesty, we have reached the pinnacle of life. That we then shout, I have done it.

Under, Over

For those who seek to find the real me, good luck trying.

The reason why many people seek is that they are looking for proof of other adverse truths. And it is with that that they will search for any information regarding a subject.

Look at what is, and what isn’t, to find that knowledge is the understanding of both. It tells a story of what was and what is not, in keeping with this, we will find the key hole at the end of the tunnel.

Joke me once, and I might smirk, Joke me twice, and I might smile, Joke me once while I am smiling, then I will laugh. But what is laughter if you cannot and will not show any Emotions.

Over the years I sought fortune but never knew I was rich with love.

When somebody new comes into the circle.

Are you comfortable having the same people around you or that come visit you, are you the one who says keep your friends close but your enemies even closer.

Well if this is you, you have to accept that new people will come into your life and share a life bond with them. Meaning that they have some of the same interests as you or eat the same foods.

Now that I get injections weekly for my Schizophrenia, I am having a new Care Co-Ordinator. I have met them today and for once I am happy with it. As they seem understanding and empathetic towards me.