Cognitive Capacity

Growing up, we learn things such as our name and the language our caregivers speak. But it is not the only thing that we learn.

We grow up too fast, unlearn things that are the nature of the human race, delude the facts and figure out what we must do to keep justice and peace with everyone. But what if we learned at a snail’s pace?

What then?

Ready or not, here we come and go from the underground of virtue to the distillate of woe. Rising up to see the sun bloom in the morning’s dust and then another day’s rise. Gone are the days of woe, but they may return on an endless crusade of intolerance to learn.

Just another endless night and day from the creation of life and planets, we seek our fortune in the anti-crusade of enlightenment.

But mass-produced to a known figure of 8*.

Subliminal vs Ordinary

How is it that when you are ordinary and have never had a lapse of thinking, you think you are unstoppable once you do?

But sometimes, this is just a confusion of your inner beliefs about the world around you. You will then start to think about ways the world will be better off without the evil that is money.

Because everyone knows about money and what it can do for you or what you can do for it, there will come a time when there is no money, and everything will become free, to a certain extent.

But being sublime means that once you have reached this state in your thinking, you would never like to go out of it. But it is a bad thing that can happen, as you may think you could walk on water. And if you cannot swim, this would be dangerous.

If you think you can be sublime, your chakra needs to be closed.

God by Night, Mortal by Day.

Many seek and many find, but those that seek would only see.

Keep appearances to a minimum when trying to find. This is the gospel of truth for those needing reassurance about what was found. You would only need to seek facts in this godforsaken place we call life.

I would like to say that when finding the thing that is need to be found that those that wish they never did. You would have to have had a good conscience for needing to find it in the first place.