
I have a number of dreams that I can remember from growing up but some of them are really freaky.

1. I am at my nana and grandad’s house sitting on a table getting my Shoe-Laces tied by my grandad when i was about 3-4 years old. then another me halfway up the stairs looking down at me from a younger age, Aged about 8-9 also another me looking down at both my younger years at age 12-14 years of age.

can you sum this one up?

2. Falling

I have had this dream only on the odd occasion when I am at a block of flats or shopping centre where the height is quite high, I jump and feel the breeze hitting my face and my heart pounding like a drum. but then I hit the floor and feel some of the impact, I am not dead.

I later try to do this again with the knowledge that I have learned from the fall and put into practice falling again but this time to stop the impending floor by slowing my fall to bring me safely on my feet,  also levitating before touching the ground.

3. before my family moved from one house to another. I have a strange inkling that when I was about 4-5 my dad was driving me and mam to my nana’s, I see a house on a street that we have passed thousands of times that I think that we might live there one day. I still remember this vividly. then when I was about 14 I had a dream as we moved with boxes in the room ready to be unpacked, waiting for mother to come home from work and me coming down the stairs and engaging in conversation. that I realised that I had dreamt this dream about 9 months prior to this encounter. that I ask my self is this deja vu or just being partly psychic.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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