
Some follow some lead, some follow nothing some fail in their mist. Following in an age where those that lead want dominance of those that follow. Leaders strive to make announcements that those that lead, need to follow first.

Leaders and followers are both the same as an end goal to make those that want to listen and watch as a regime falls to dust. War might exist but peace remains in lands that allow no followers or no leaders.


What is Elegance and what does it do for you. Well, the short answer is nothing. Many people possess this nature and many are able to show it off. But in today’s society, many do not.

If you are showing Elegance to another then you are made with being polite courteous and smart brained. You speak mainly when spoken to. And know many things about topical issues around the world.

You dress in a way that is both smart and suits your attire.

You are brainy and know how to change someone’s beliefs.


Boggles but good.

Where do we go from here, I am just thinking. Could our existence develop and pave the way for other life, would domesticated animals evolve into being other than their ancient counterparts?. When will we leave this rock to chase another rock? Why is it that we only use a small proportion of our brains.

These are just a few thing that boggles me sometimes


Dogs are sweet, Dogs are cute, Dogs are companions, Dogs are loyal.

If you are thinking of owning a dog and do not have time for it, then you are a bad owner. Dogs need reassurance as they need companionship and treats when they are good. You can always train a dog when they are young. But do not forget the old dog that is looking for love.

I own a dog and he is a devil, but the main thing is that I love him and would never be without.


What is normal and unnatural at the same time, the answer is everything. This is because what you see is something that others can not explain, it is the fundamentals of the whole universe, but what if the universe was not just deepspace but a recorder for everything that everything does, just to play it again. Hense the big bang. What if whatever was and is, is again. Just to make small attempts at having minor discrepancies for those moments to change and have a different course of actions that was never was and never is at this moment. We know that we have choices to do what it is that we want to do. We know that we can change our minds and change our actions. But what if we could do this each time the universe starts and stops just to start once more.


Only the motion of the ocean can tell of the vast amount of space and volume of Water this whole planet can hold. But if you think of Global Warming and the ice caps melting, then yes you will see many places going under water.

Hinderance aside, how can we have that much water and still live. It is said that the microscopic creatures that roam the waters produce about 50% of the oxygen for our cause. This is through photosynthesis.

If life did not exist then what would happen in the known universe. Perhaps life would still evolve into beings that have the capacity to understand their surroundings.

But perhaps if we strove to look after our own ecosystem then we may live a long life as the sun will not always be here.


Learning Is easy

When we are born we learn at an alarming rate, mainly through sound and touch at first. The once we are growing and the need for comfort leaves us as babies, we learn to move our bodies on the floor to then crawl. Once we crawl we then need to stand by holding onto an object.

Then one day we start to put one foot in front of the other and learn through balance as to walk a small distance at first.

Once we learn all the characteristics of being a baby and fundamentals of achieving a good balance of being at one with the world and being average, we can then just start to grow. But speech is important to many and once our first words are spoken we strive to learn new words and learn their meanings from speaking them and asking questions.

So on a whim, we constantly ask questions about the world around us from our mothers or fathers opinions.  But learning is what we should.

There are many morning learning principles in that the people we meet or creatures we obtain, we learn and learn from them also.

So do not say learning is hard as it is easy in understanding from one aspect to another.

Fire and Water

Everyone knows of the myth of Fire and water, but who truly knows where it came from. Yes, you can get burnt from fire and Drown in Water. Every Creature should have instincts as to self-prevalence from birth. Yet many do not know of harms of eating bad and dangerous things.

Which takes me to Never play with Fire nor Water unless you are trained to do so.

As I Walk

Humans are born with the ability to grow and then to walk. Although the first initiations into walking take and make a baby able to put one foot in front of the other. Then once this is achieved and remembered, that baby will walk most of the time instead of crawling.

I walk I talk, I walk I run, I walk I leap. I walk into the sun with no fear.