That time the cops came around.

Sometimes, you need an authoritative summons when you least expect it, which can give you insight into what you have done wrong.

I, for one, have had this.

As a story Ends, a new beginning unfolds.

But what is this beginning? Life is short, and there is a better way to live it—with no remorse and Self-Degregation that blossoms from knowing that as a person of interest. I can now put to death a notion that was and now is not.

Through co-operation. I will now live my life the way it was intended.

Single life is what comes after.

Layered Envy

When in doubt, try again, as this will rekindle the love of learning; when in doubt, never give up if failing to do what is needed.

Learn your trade or learn in general; you will appreciate the wonders of learning and build a better understanding of what you once never knew.

Envy is not for everyone, but for those who envy, you should try to learn why they are so envious; if not for learning, we would still be monkeys in trees and crouched when walking.

It took some years to evolve into the people we are today.

Mistaken Moderation

As you know that when you speak or write, you have to watch what has been said and written. Yet for those of you who just do not care about Political Correctness.

You will either be told to lessen your lip, as the old saying goes. And read before Posting.

If neither of these is correct, then you will be moderated by your peers.

If you said or wrote something that you thought to be harmless, and practical to the subject at hand. You may have Mistaken Moderation as opposed to you. As what was said or written, is not good for the rapport of yourself and others.

Mistaken Moderation is when you say or write something that is to be convened to be ok, when in fact is inappropriate to the subject. Meaning that when somebody hears or reads what was said or written, they are trying to censor you for what you said or did. When in fact is not needed to be censored.

© Copyright vs. Plagiarism

For those of you who are new to the online world of the internet, there are many things that you should know and follow.

As this is my blog post. I am the keeper of the original script, and what I say or post is of my own work.

That is copyrighted and others who copy and post this to other forms of media or accessories can be prosecuted.

Normally when you seek out new music on torrent sites, you will be up against the world of record companies, or even viruses that make and break a contract, since the artist will be getting less revenues, and sales.

If you were to use an essay literature writing and use it as your own when doing an essay yourself. then You will be falling foul of plagiarism. As you have not stated where the material had came from.

So to keep you safe, please only copy your own work when doing essays. If you were to use somebody else’s work, please state where you had come across that piece of work using references.

Hinderance Accolade

Are we, who we are supposed to be in a world were governed by imbeciles.

Or are we just playing the waiting game in a world of Hinderance Accolade.

When we say Hinderance Accolade, we mean that for each action there is a reaction to what progressed. It helps us to think that when we are who we say we are, that no matter the consequence, we either help or tarnish a developmental stage of approval.

We therefor work alone, and in groups where we learn and conquer what it is that needs to be done in stages.

As we grow and whimper at what had been done in the past or present, we need to nurture what is wrong and make right.

Debt Accredited

For those of you who go by your daily lives without purchasing high valued items, I salute you. As why would you want to be paying over the odds for an item that may become obsolete in a few months time.

Well, if you are like me and paranoid about buying and buying without thinking about the consequences later. Then you should read this.

I have got a lot of debt, and find it hard to get away from. I did have about £6,500 worth with a credit card company and another £2,500 with another credit card company, on top off the I had bills to pay.

So my mother got me to finance the payments to pay back the debt.

I no longer have the £2,500 debt and now only owe the one credit card company £2,000.

I thought my troubles were over until I purchased some more on finance.

Granted, I can pay this but if I was not paying I would be in great trouble.

If I were you, I would only buy things that have a high price and save the money to purchase them. It would be simpler that way. And save the hassle of paying instalments for a period of time.

If I could live my life again, would I go into debt. No, and here’s why, Why would you want to fork out x amount either weekly or monthly, for a few years and then need to upgrade, Yes it would pay to have a purchase and then upgrade if it was on a plan that allowed this, I.E phone contracts.

But what if that product did not allow this, then you would have to thing is it worth it and how to make money from that high valued price tag.

If it was a camera, you could sell your photos.

If it was a computer, could you decode video as a freelancer.

These are the options you have to think about when extravagantly purchasing products.

So if you see something you fancy and are able to afford it straight out, I would wait until prices comes down and continue to save. So that if you did purchase it, you would still have money to spare.


Have you ever lost something that you wanted within a timescale, then thought about the last place you had that something. But it was not there.

Then later found it when you were looking for something else.

I have done this many of a time and I usually think it funny. But for someone who had to have it there and then, it comes off as promiscuous when searching.

This is why when ever you look for something that it is a good idea to make notes of where you placed things.

Finally I have never been one to loose something only to misplace it.