
When something doesn’t go your way and you are feeling sad and lonely, just think and imagine that things where different. Just because you did not leave the house at the right time does not mean that you would have gotten into work on time. As there are so many variables to think of that would make a outcome be good or bad.

Imagine a world with everything at low cost, namely free. Would you take beyond your means to leave others with nothing?. Would you make sure that you have enough food for your family to eat?.  

The above two paragraphs are food for thought.

Wonderful is perfect

If you would be anything that you wanted to be, what would that something be and would it be perfect? It may be wonderful, from time to time being anything that your mind and soul would want to be. But it may never be perfect as you would want more and more things to meet with that one being. Take for instance immortality, you would be able to see things in the future that have advanced but then if you are the only one with immortality, then you would have to see your loved ones perish in time and to never to return. You would not like to be immortal and it is for this reason alone.


What is Elegance and what does it do for you. Well, the short answer is nothing. Many people possess this nature and many are able to show it off. But in today’s society, many do not.

If you are showing Elegance to another then you are made with being polite courteous and smart brained. You speak mainly when spoken to. And know many things about topical issues around the world.

You dress in a way that is both smart and suits your attire.

You are brainy and know how to change someone’s beliefs.