Flowers blossom in the summertime, beautiful arrangements of seedlings coming from the ground up. Flowers look lovely and are a nice scenery to the fact that they are just that. Then flowers wither in the autumn setting aside a long duration for hibernation and to grow again from seeds.
Category: Randoms
Wisdom all around.
Wisdom learnt, Wisdom shared, Wisdom given, Wisdom taken. Wisdom is.
Wisdom is something that has to be learned through experiences from any act of acceptance to the fact that it must be learned. Deviating from this and you will face grave dangers to the fact that all that has been learned will be taken away if you had never actually experienced what it is that is needed to be learned.
Re learn or Un learn
Learn what you can, Learn everything that you can, Learn everything about life, Learn about learning. Unlearn what is wrong, unlearn bad habits, unlearn old ways.
Many will squander their early years with not being adaptive to learning.
Thinking what I know
I Learn Fast, I Learn Slow, I Learn Somewhere Between, I Think Alot, Alot Of Learning Is What I Enjoy, Looking At What Not, And What Is, Thinking Logically, Non-Socializing, Locking Self Up, I Know I Should Not, Let Time Fly, Watch The Clock, Listen To Wisdom I Know A Lot, Wisdom Comes From A Long Time Spent Thinking Pondering Realization. Only Those Few Know What I Mean.
Morning comes early, Night comes late, everything in between is irrelevant. Morning is shinney, night is dull. Eclipses are both light and dark. We look for inspiration in times of need, these times are justified by means.
Look around and see the evil within, lurking to become good.
Making Lust
Making delights from others miss fortunes is not as good as making delights from love. Love resembles everything that is apparent that love is delightful to those that yearn it. However, we must first learn what love is, not in the sexual term but in wanting to be with another being. Lust can be a deadly sin, but only in when we feel and know that we want to spend our lives with that one is it a good thing.
Delights will come from love as it is the only way to go.
Motion by TIme.
Motions by movement, Motions by actions, Motions by stillness, Motions by sound, Motions by light, Motions by whispers, Motions by time.
Motions can be a variety of things as we learn by doing any many possibilities. We learn by our own actions that take time to see the possibilities.
Light Vs Darkness
Light by day, Dull by night, Light shining on everything, Darkness illuminates nothing. Light carries Love, Night carries Hurtfulness.
Are you a morning person or night person.
Thinking by Moments.
Moments of laughter, Moments of bliss, Moments of sadness, Moments gratitude, Moments of Wisdom. These are just a few Moments that all achieve.
When you think of a moment that you last liked or disliked, your brain tells you why you had liked or disliked that moment, but the imagery stays within as you remember why and what it was that brought you to that moment.
Hearing Voices
Whispers in Ears, Whispers in Trees, Whispers from behind, Whispers inside your head. Whispers going out, Whispers in the street.
Whispers can be a mental disorder of thinking that you can hear another person’s voice from a distance. These are usually when somebody is having a psychotic episode.