Heat & Light

What is your favourite time of year, will it be cold, hot. And what is your perfect time of day, light nights, dark nights, early morning, early afternoon.

I find myself liking the summer months with it being light at night. But not the heat that is known as blistering heat. I like some warmth but not at night when it should be cooler so you can sleep easy.

It is for one thing that I like afternoons, as this is usually when I get up from my slumber and start the new day of with a start.

I find that if you like the cooler weather and like snow and ice, then the best bet is to move to a cooler climate. But I bet it is only in December that you like this.

My Question to you is What is the optimum time of day and what temperature do you like?.

Fundamental of life

What would you say if nothing existed and nothing was created. This is the fundamentals of life. And it is the creation of the Big Bang that came from somewhere in the centre of the universe.

I believe that the Big Bang was created by heat and heat alone, it is either minus or positive heat that no human can know about. It is like millions or billions ºc or ºf that is hot enough or cold enough to form a spark and that spark ignited causing an explosion.

That explosion made the heat to cool and form debris, and over millenniums to collide and collect together to form the planets and stars, that are in existence today.

I believe that it will do it again when planets and stars come together, in the distant future.

It will happen again and again, until no wars or famine exist.

As you would normally have dreams about what was and what might be in the subconscious aspects of a dream.

I will leave you this conundrum.

What would you say if nothing existed.

Skint or Rich

Many people have money when they grow up, but it is with this that it makes a life bearable or easy. As many live on the bread line, they cannot affrord expensive gifts. And they have to finance their money daily, yet with other having vasts amount of money, they do not need to bat an eye, when purchasing a expensive gift.

Also when people are skint, they do not have the opportunity to go place and they find that life is hard for them, they also find that the time goes by fast.

When people have money and they can purchase anything at any time or a number of times, they tend to either save more, or are stinghey with their money.

Also rich people tend to live fast as they do not know the meaning of time.

Bans for Bans

When you are in a group of social meeting places like the net, like forums or other software. There comes a time that you might have a Ban. This ban will only run for a few days, to perhaps a month, or might be perminent.

But be rest assured that it is only temporary and you will have posting privileges lifted.

But what if they do not lift, well that will be one site you may never be able to speak ever again. Dependant on what you did or what you said.

Why would you

If you are like me and just looks around at the many creatures about, doing what they do daily. Then why would you contemplate doing a nasty thing like trying to commit a fellony.

It could be that you are bored or it is your upbringing.

Why would you suffer the loss of ones loved ones, and why would you lie about what you did.

Why would you listen to people who do not have your best interests at heart.

Why would you do a nasty like trying to commit suicide when your life is precious and deserving.


Freelancing means to be self-employed in an industry that allows payments to be made to the said self-employed person on a working basis. It allows the person to reach out for the best payment possible. But they need to keep working and have a good rapport with said company.

They can work anytime of the day and chooses the hours they work. But sometimes to be self-employed it takes a toll on the bank balance as they do not know when the next job is.

Think of photographers and Newspapers that work together.

They pay the photographer for said photo and sometimes the photographer may never get another scoop for said paper.

All in all, if people have a business that is sustained within the finds of having it run smoothly for the foreseeable future. Then being self employed is a good thing. But it is when you are looking for work that you may need to go to different parts of the country to get paid in the line of work that you do.

So it is either a good thing or not.