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Thinking by Moments.

Moments of laughter, Moments of bliss, Moments of sadness, Moments gratitude, Moments of Wisdom. These are just a few Moments that all achieve.


When you think of a moment that you last liked or disliked, your brain tells you why you had liked or disliked that moment, but the imagery stays within as you remember why and what it was that brought you to that moment.

Heavenly Delights

Heavenly delights come to those that wait, Heavenly delight is knowledge sent from above. Heavenly Delights we may never know. Heavenly Delights are just what we sow.


Many people feel that waiting for the next life or going to the other side, feel that this life is not what it all seems, we try to live this life the best that we could and to the best that we can.

We All Tire Of Our Lives Sometimes

I know I have not written anything thing for a while now since my computer crashed on me and had to reset everything. and installing windows 7 for the future.

Now Here is what I want to say, someday I will die and I am glad of it as I am bored with this one as I have lost my job which I liked because of careless mistakes that I have been having as a bad habit.

Do Our Loved Animals Still Circle Us, To Know That We Are Protected. Loved. Missed.

Had A Dream Of My Former Four Legged Friends Last Night. This entailed That I Would Not Let Them Out of my sight. as one of them went off or was dog-napped when I was a youngster. this one was one of my best friends and I have had four dogs in my life up to today. the first was an Alsation, who I had known since I was born, she followed me nearly everywhere I went. and was my main protector apart from my parents.

my second dog was king Charles who inadvertently was miss treated and hell he could snore loudly. he passed away nearly 17 years ago. and could spell out a biscuit or chocolate buttons from Cadbury. he lived a good life and could pick out the carrots that were given to him from our leftover Sunday dinners.

my third dog was called Cyndi. and only lived a short while.

now since my dream, I was always near my beloved dogs and still was given kisses by them when asked and would always look to see that they are near. I think that this is because I may not want to be alone when members of my family pass. I only have my mother and brother who is married with three children. as all my grandparents and father have gone to the spirit in the sky. Even though people portray an animal as a none entity they do not miss them when they pass. I for one still like to remember them, no matter how long ago it was since I saw them last.

Just Thought

Hi Everyone Just an update on what I have been up to. recently I hurt my ankle playing football, it’s now been over a month since I was at work, and my works place keeps calling now and then to see how I am doing and when I will be going back. The immediate care that I have received has been great, yet I will soon be going to a physio to sort out the structural plan for getting me back to work and to see how bad my ankle is so that I may carry on delivering letters. This is because I am a Lost person who likes to put letters through your letter box.