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Silence is key.

Sitting on a stool in the middle of nowhere, we never hear a sound. The sound sometimes travels un-relentless, whether it is stagnant or moving. But you do not know that when sound becomes hearable, it could go within a split second.

It is like when a fly flies by and passes you; you may hear it as it passes.

Then, when you want to study, you must be in a quiet place, such as a library or your home, away from distractions.

It is not until you have learned how to stay silent that you learn the fundamentals of meditation, including how and when to break out of it.

Getting Ready

Most of us need to be motivated to do almost anything, but first, we must get the tools and attire to be completely ready.

This comes when most of us have a job or education requiring commitment, just as it would be if we did not learn anything before today’s tasks. This is key to completing the task and having time for ourselves.

But why the interest in why we need to be ready before we even think of what will endure a day of hardship and resolve?

Well, you will only know when your mental ability will allow for different times and resolve why you must contact a certain person for help if needed.

Cognitive Capacity

Growing up, we learn things such as our name and the language our caregivers speak. But it is not the only thing that we learn.

We grow up too fast, unlearn things that are the nature of the human race, delude the facts and figure out what we must do to keep justice and peace with everyone. But what if we learned at a snail’s pace?

What then?

Ready or not, here we come and go from the underground of virtue to the distillate of woe. Rising up to see the sun bloom in the morning’s dust and then another day’s rise. Gone are the days of woe, but they may return on an endless crusade of intolerance to learn.

Just another endless night and day from the creation of life and planets, we seek our fortune in the anti-crusade of enlightenment.

But mass-produced to a known figure of 8*.

What I do to make myself well….

For some time now, I have made myself well, by not trying to decipher bird’s tweets, as I can do this on the odd occasion. But it is normally just the same old stuff that is deciphered. Before becoming unwell I used to have a job that I sometimes despised on some occasions about it raining or snowing. My main role was mainly outdoor work. But this was a routine that I had become so enthused about when working.

Then for some apparent reason, I started to hear voices, that were not my own. This was because I had a crush on someone from years ago, that rekindled my love for life, I then started to read in-depth into things, that were not real, and this then took it to another level when trying to talk, or convey something that would never be.

I then started to think illogically and seeing a post about a song from a friend, put me into guilty mode and thought that my life was in danger.

I then had to go to work with knowing this and before I did, I spoke gibberish online, so a colleague noticed and told one of the bosses. They then asked me some questions and went with me to my outdoor work, when I was being paranoid they then proceeded to notify my mother where they were going to be taking me.

This was the hospital. I had to wait until being seen too, and by then my mother had come and consoled me that I would be well once I get seen too. The only bad thing that came about this is that my stay would be in an area unbeknown to me. And it was an hour’s drive to my stay.

After my stay there, I was brought back to an area I knew best, as I escaped the defences of the electronic doors, but somebody helped me get back, as I had no money or knew where I was.

It was a further 2 weeks stay in hospital.

This was over ten years ago and I sometimes still live the day that I was taken in.

Since then I have been in three more times due to ill health, yet some information is random in which I had stayed. I was having a breakdown once every two years until I was placed on some medication that I had to have in an injected form, but bi-weekly. This then resulted in me being hospitalised after 3 years on those injections, so I had broken my duck every two years by one year over.

There was a reason why I had been hospitalised and to me is that I was due my injection a day then 2 and 3 days before it was due. I was also agitated when trying to watch a film, as I would stand and tap my shoes from foot to foot.

Now that I have asked when getting a new injection to have it weekly, my care provider can then see me regularly, and they can then be notified of any changes in my moods.

I have also had to have the dosage reduced twice since being on it. This was due to Vacant Staring and Exessive Saliva when sleeping.

It now has been over several years since being hospitalised.

Layered Envy

When in doubt, try again, as this will rekindle the love of learning; when in doubt, never give up if failing to do what is needed.

Learn your trade or learn in general; you will appreciate the wonders of learning and build a better understanding of what you once never knew.

Envy is not for everyone, but for those who envy, you should try to learn why they are so envious; if not for learning, we would still be monkeys in trees and crouched when walking.

It took some years to evolve into the people we are today.

See Battle, Never Wins.

If you’re feeling combative and are looking for a fight, remember that you will never win. Instead, you’ll only lose your soul to demons that have long been on the prowl. These demons freely roam the earth and other celestial bodies with life, seeking to capture your essence and offer you three wishes.

They cannot be defeated but lived with, as the old saying goes, listen carefully to your thoughts, but never act on what is said.

The only way to defeat a demon is to consistently engage with others and express your inner feelings. It may be challenging to propose such actions initially, but by doing so, you can thwart the influence of the demon. The demon will always linger, but its impact will be limited.

Demon, Demon on the prowl looking for others to give a ghost, Demon, Demon, how can this be, searching for answers you will never seek my essence, Demon, Demon, play to thee, a hatchling came with honey and glee, get out of my youngsters mind, play your wars with intrepid thoughts, never to seek out any more or less, Demon Demon, You tried to take my life alone, now you seek more info from times before. Demon, Demon, from under the tree, I am glad I can say to thee, Angel from up above, touched my demon and granted null, now I hear and see nothing more than dust itself, Living once more my life is my own,

Heavens open for a beautiful morning in the light of day, I fought my demon on the eve of night.

Whenever I get the itch

Jumping back in a year when all was well, Jumping forward when you know and have knowledge from past virtues. Jedi Knight is steeping from the gasses that are the endorphins of the mind, Whispering asperation from a bygone age.

We all know how this will end, but following a rabbit to the cave of doom, It senses me, and I must retract my mood, for all I see is the itch that came before I wrote this.

Whimpering for a notion that all is well, finding logic from my past beliefs that the one I love has ceased to embark on a love that was thought to be right. Nonsense is now the key to living my life and getting rid of this TV. Dogs before and after, I decree that if I love another, I will never be free from heartache.

As a life span is small and minuscule, I want a dog that lasts forever but never outlives its owner.

Medling Wombits

Know who to go to, know what is right, you will find a wombit at the end of this line. You may not know when you go, but for those that might, they may find. Knowing is key to love and conquer, but don’t despair in love and war, a feeling of gratitude leaves those behind. Needing the time apart in the overall state of flux.

Maybe tomorrow another course of bewilderment in this thing we call life.

Gummy = My Life!

How would you listen to a life story that was not your own? Would you spend time and hear what was said, or would you walk away?

Ponder a life known by many and ponder your own in a life meant to be in the learning of life. Then, consider some more.

If you are somebody who likes not to learn, then I decree that you are an entity that is just a lossless soul wandering around the universe for something that is not your own creation or life story.

Subliminal vs Ordinary

How is it that when you are ordinary and have never had a lapse of thinking, you think you are unstoppable once you do?

But sometimes, this is just a confusion of your inner beliefs about the world around you. You will then start to think about ways the world will be better off without the evil that is money.

Because everyone knows about money and what it can do for you or what you can do for it, there will come a time when there is no money, and everything will become free, to a certain extent.

But being sublime means that once you have reached this state in your thinking, you would never like to go out of it. But it is a bad thing that can happen, as you may think you could walk on water. And if you cannot swim, this would be dangerous.

If you think you can be sublime, your chakra needs to be closed.