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In The Valley Of Doubt

When you are petite and growing up, you have doubts about everything in your life. This is just a reaction that is primordial. It just makes you think about whether you could and should do something.

In the valley of doubt, I walk, I walk, and I stop and think under no conditions. It is just allas that I would trigger my inner emotions from the confines of my mind. We, just as one, are willing to give everything ago. But doubt sets in, and we are unable to think logically.

Once in the valley of doubt, we walk, we walk, but we only walk so far, knowing that we may fail. It only takes a second to reconvene our inner emotions to think that if we fail, we can try again.

Just as it was when we were doing our daily chores to do extensive research on a topic unknown, we reached out into the vast void of wonder and gained a semblance of what should be. Just as it was, we navigated to our ruled lines and wrote the prosthesis of our accolade.

Doomed are we to find if our whole life is just a lesson to be learned, and vast swathes of emotion come out and we cry? Knowing that in all modesty, we have reached the pinnacle of life. That we then shout, I have done it.

Bewildering Experience.

From those in the know about mental health, it comes to no surprise that if you have any immediate family suffering with this then it is likely it has been passed down to you.

But for those with relapses in mental state and no immediate family with this. Then you are likely to have a Paranoia and it derived from one of your ancestors.

Many moons ago you would have been locked up in a mental asylum for being erratic in your notions. Just because people did not know or seen anyone with this

Thank god we can share our thoughts today with health care professionals and the like.

Talk to your family if you think you are under the influence of having a relapse.

.As they are likely to understand what you are going through.

When we are travelling vs Staying put.

When you stay home, and it is cold outside, would you go to the shops and purchase food for dinner? Or, if you are like me, go onto an app and search for food to be delivered.

One way to alleviate stress would be to walk somewhere, where you would finish by returning to where you reside.

It is known that throughout history, the human condition expelled those who could not walk much distance, and helped them with a walking aid.

Soar like a daemon.

Birds soar through the night sky, destination unknown, but what gives when daemons roam? Down through the juneberry bush, birds feast for minutes, not hours. Once again, soaring through a wintery day, just like old times when Saint Nic came and guided them to the North Pole. Only feathers for heat and not a white dove were seen in the blizzards of day and night.

We will have turkey, not chicken, on this fine day, just like when geese flew off and down to the Mediterranean Sea. As they did not want to be as cold as him.

Then a daemon came and blew away that nasty chirp that angels knew. Along came Gabriel and cast away the daemon’s blue. He knew it was just a phantom, but still, he flew. When he gave up, all hell was loose.

The only way to save self was to name this ungodly creature Halloween night and make an ending that was just right.

Mediation done right.

When we seek, we may find everlasting love. When we willow, we will lose love. When we yelp, it is because we had something and lost it. But that is so old now that when we seek it again, we will never find love or lose it similarly. But that is fine.

When might come along and govern us all, we strive to break through the governing body and attack from within; this is said from the blood that boils. But the loud body repels the anarchist and toils with the human touch.

Thus, an evangelistic approach is deployed to sort out rules and regulations that matter to the species that govern them.

But what gives when we do not have rules? Would the world’s that have this go mad and crazy?

I sincerely hope that when peace comes, it will never cease to amaze us. Then, true love and courage will drive out the impurities of the oceans and atmosphere.


From time to time, you are searching for something, and in the mists of looking and searching, you either give up or continue to search.

But by the time you have found something that you want. You find that time has passed experientially. Then you would have forgotten what that thing was for.

This also goes for conversations. You either Lack the knowledge or cannot continue.


When you are petite and want something that would cost an arm and a leg, and your carers cannot afford it. Would they promise that one day you shall have what you wanted?

Then, one day, unexpectedly, you receive your gift.

Would it still levy with you that they took the time and effort to earn enough so that you could have what you wanted in the first place?

Some people would go to the end of the world to get you what you want, and in return, be satisfied that you love it and them the more.

It is with this that I state that no matter what you do, you will always have the promise to keep; this entails that you would need to be true to yourself and protect what is important to you.

Family matters, and you cannot choose who your carers are, only friends and fiance.

Although Promises can be broken, and it is only this that we remember as an old saying: “NEWS SELLS”.

Knowledge Vs Learning

Every now and then there comes a time that something has to test your knowledge. Like being on a game show, or somebody asking you a question.

But if you did not know anything about the topic of discussion, would you go and find the information or would you enrol on a course to learn something new.

Perhaps you want to become a doctor or lawyer. This will inevitably take time and money. But for what you pay, you will have learnt a vast majority of the things that it takes to become what you would like to do as a job or hobby.

I myself am going to learn English, even though it is my first language, as I would like to have a level 2 in the subject since only received an E in my GCSEs.

So what are your thoughts?


If you were walking down the road and found a stash of Money, would you hand it over to the authority or keep it?

This is where Discrepancy comes to play.

It is advised that you do not spend the money in question but either try and find out who owns it. And then to hand it over to them.

As you may receive an award of some sort.

This is where your conscience comes to play. As it is a Catch-22. As if you did spend it and the owner comes to collect. Then you are in big trouble. And if you handed it over to the authorities and nobody collects it. Then you would be kicking yourself for doing so.

Another Discrepancy is when you said you had done something but you never did.