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Mistaken Moderation

As you know that when you speak or write, you have to watch what has been said and written. Yet for those of you who just do not care about Political Correctness.

You will either be told to lessen your lip, as the old saying goes. And read before Posting.

If neither of these is correct, then you will be moderated by your peers.

If you said or wrote something that you thought to be harmless, and practical to the subject at hand. You may have Mistaken Moderation as opposed to you. As what was said or written, is not good for the rapport of yourself and others.

Mistaken Moderation is when you say or write something that is to be convened to be ok, when in fact is inappropriate to the subject. Meaning that when somebody hears or reads what was said or written, they are trying to censor you for what you said or did. When in fact is not needed to be censored.

Surreal Work

As this life is only once and to get anything you must pay. You need money to pay for things such as housing, food, water, and heating. And this is true for those that work.

You need to work to gain money from an employer, as you will inevitably be their employee. But in some countries, you get paid vacations. This means Holiday Pay.

If you are fed up with work, it may mean that the work involved is not for you, and you should seek work elsewhere, but stick with it until you have got your dream job.

As the income will pay for the necessities and you only have to do this X-amount of hours a day.

God by Night, Mortal by Day.

Many seek and many find, but those that seek would only see.

Keep appearances to a minimum when trying to find. This is the gospel of truth for those needing reassurance about what was found. You would only need to seek facts in this godforsaken place we call life.

I would like to say that when finding the thing that is need to be found that those that wish they never did. You would have to have had a good conscience for needing to find it in the first place.

Virtue vs Blatant Ignorance

Have you ever thought that you are the only one with some form of mental instability and would like to find help, but do not know where to turn to? I find that if you are under the influence of hearing voices and seeing things that are not there. That one should go to a doctor and talk things over. He/She may advise you to go to the hospital to be assessed.
This will only take a short time, but the wait might be long as many hospitals are only used for A&E-style approaches.

When you get to see a Psychiatrist, you should talk about your problem and if they think a lengthy stay at that hospital is vital for you to get well. I would advise doing it VOLUNTARILY as you will not be SECTIONED. And your stay may be short.

It is not until they think that you are unwell that you may be Sectioned if you have been in the hospital for some period of time. And are not showing signs of getting well, for instance, you do not wash, for instance, you are loud and ignorant of others.

I myself have spent time in a hospital for a few weeks to a few months but not 6-12 months of stay, the most I have stayed in a hospital was 4-12 weeks.

When I say VIRTUE I mean that you are looking for help. And you will not stop until you can find professional help.

It is others that are Blatantly Ignorant of you having this form of the episode and do not know what to do to help you. You will have to tell them that you are feeling unwell and want to see a doctor in which you want to seek advice about undertaking some form of prescription drug to help alleviate the voices.

Once you are on the correct medication and have been well for x number of days, weeks, months and years. You may one day become intolerant to the drugs and may relapse into hearing voices again. but you will have had a care plan in place and have spoken about the triggers that you acknowledged about what entails you to hear voices or see things that are not actually there.

Maria DB.

For those of you who like to know what has been and will be, you will have to read between the lines of History and Future Tech.

As many of you may know is that many of the ideas of today’s tech were drawn up by Leonardo Di Vinci, as he did draw the idea for a helicopter.

You may also need to know what factors will have an adverse effect on the Environment. As many of the main aspects of a new computer use rare materials and if disposed of could be detrimental to the Environment.

The reason why this is called Maria DB is that it is the bases for this blogging tool.

God’s Peruvian

From time to time since having a mental condition, you are susceptible to having a case of a God Complex, in which the user thinks that they are God.

It only takes one chance of a relapse or first Psychosis, to have this.

I My-Self did not want any doctors or nurses, even passers-by, to have my DNA, meaning When I drank out of plastic cups or ate with cutlery, I would take them with me once finished.

Also, you will be stating what is good and bad with the world.

You will also see that MONEY is the ROOT of all EVIL.

Looking Back

If you had to live this life once again and you could only change one aspect of it, what would it be and why?

I wander around in my mind most of the time and wonder if I truly should do the things that I had done. Even if it was for the experience.

For those of you who are looking to see if you can find this mystery being, and work out what was said from the start to now, you may assume that the language on this site has changed drastically. And some of the errors that you would perceive to be wrong, will now be edited and redone.

I will be ever grateful if you would read what had been said and contact us to see if things could be better done.

© Copyright vs. Plagiarism

For those of you who are new to the online world of the internet, there are many things that you should know and follow.

As this is my blog post. I am the keeper of the original script, and what I say or post is of my own work.

That is copyrighted and others who copy and post this to other forms of media or accessories can be prosecuted.

Normally when you seek out new music on torrent sites, you will be up against the world of record companies, or even viruses that make and break a contract, since the artist will be getting less revenues, and sales.

If you were to use an essay literature writing and use it as your own when doing an essay yourself. then You will be falling foul of plagiarism. As you have not stated where the material had came from.

So to keep you safe, please only copy your own work when doing essays. If you were to use somebody else’s work, please state where you had come across that piece of work using references.

Instance vs. Virtue

If you are like me and have a mental condition, that will be for life. Then you will know that I suffer from Schizophrenia.

And to see a Virtue in somebody, takes time to navigate the mind and instigate a welcome.

This is about being an Introvert, and knowing that if somebody is like this means that it takes time to acknowledge a welcome and to work as a group.

It means that the instance that one is about to be an Extrovert, they have welcomed that person or group into their lives.

It faulter’s on the notion that they are ok to be around and that they know that no harm will come to them.

Yet we cannot be both Introverts or Extroverts. As this is not what we are able to do.

Yes there can be times that we are extravert when our initial understanding of ourselves are introverts. It just does not compute if we are either.

That is why when we are about to meet somebody new that it takes time for us to have a conversation and understand what is being said. We as a person with this condition, think not once but many times, as what to say. As we do not wont to offend or get the meaning incorrectly, to be able to talk about our feelings, takes time, and we are only able to talk about it to persons we have known for years.

That is why for each Instance of meeting and greeting, We need to see a virtue in that person before we can become friends.