
Freelancing means to be self-employed in an industry that allows payments to be made to the said self-employed person on a working basis. It allows the person to reach out for the best payment possible. But they need to keep working and have a good rapport with said company.

They can work anytime of the day and chooses the hours they work. But sometimes to be self-employed it takes a toll on the bank balance as they do not know when the next job is.

Think of photographers and Newspapers that work together.

They pay the photographer for said photo and sometimes the photographer may never get another scoop for said paper.

All in all, if people have a business that is sustained within the finds of having it run smoothly for the foreseeable future. Then being self employed is a good thing. But it is when you are looking for work that you may need to go to different parts of the country to get paid in the line of work that you do.

So it is either a good thing or not.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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