Borrowing Against Savings

For those of you in debt, did you spend more than you earned, or even saved during a time that you had no bills to pay.

Borrowing is the means of getting money for nothing and repaying more back, but you will be in debt once you borrow even 1 penny.

Even saving money can have its downfall. For instance, if you saved every penny you got as a child and your legal guardians paid money in to your banking building society. And once you become of legal age, You may not be able to claim maintanace from the governments. So no matter what you save, you will need to get a job or spend it before this.

I would like to see those that are in debt to get out of it, and those who have thousands of pound or dollars, in the bank before they are legal age, To spend before this time is up.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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