See Battle, Never Wins.

If you’re feeling combative and are looking for a fight, remember that you will never win. Instead, you’ll only lose your soul to demons that have long been on the prowl. These demons freely roam the earth and other celestial bodies with life, seeking to capture your essence and offer you three wishes.

They cannot be defeated but lived with, as the old saying goes, listen carefully to your thoughts, but never act on what is said.

The only way to defeat a demon is to consistently engage with others and express your inner feelings. It may be challenging to propose such actions initially, but by doing so, you can thwart the influence of the demon. The demon will always linger, but its impact will be limited.

Demon, Demon on the prowl looking for others to give a ghost, Demon, Demon, how can this be, searching for answers you will never seek my essence, Demon, Demon, play to thee, a hatchling came with honey and glee, get out of my youngsters mind, play your wars with intrepid thoughts, never to seek out any more or less, Demon Demon, You tried to take my life alone, now you seek more info from times before. Demon, Demon, from under the tree, I am glad I can say to thee, Angel from up above, touched my demon and granted null, now I hear and see nothing more than dust itself, Living once more my life is my own,

Heavens open for a beautiful morning in the light of day, I fought my demon on the eve of night.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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