Whenever I get the itch

Jumping back in a year when all was well, Jumping forward when you know and have knowledge from past virtues. Jedi Knight is steeping from the gasses that are the endorphins of the mind, Whispering asperation from a bygone age.

We all know how this will end, but following a rabbit to the cave of doom, It senses me, and I must retract my mood, for all I see is the itch that came before I wrote this.

Whimpering for a notion that all is well, finding logic from my past beliefs that the one I love has ceased to embark on a love that was thought to be right. Nonsense is now the key to living my life and getting rid of this TV. Dogs before and after, I decree that if I love another, I will never be free from heartache.

As a life span is small and minuscule, I want a dog that lasts forever but never outlives its owner.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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