Worried or Careless.

In the world today there are people who just go about their everyday lives, and just do as they please. But these are careless people who may pick up the deadly COVID-19 string. Once picked up they should be worried that they may have the killing Pneumonia string, that may be passed along to unsuspecting bystanders.

End result, they should be worried about dying and also just go about daily living.

Normality is not Normal

When are we going to get back to normal. As the state is still dispensing updates with different business practices, to be able to open the doors to the public. But we are waiting for Normality. And Normality is not normal, as we had to shut many shots and businesses during the covid 19 (coronavirus) epidemic.

Just because the government is lifting some ties on businesses, does not mean that it will not come back. But I for one would like to get back to normal, with just walking into a shop and not worry about distancing or Queuing next the the person needing to get their grocery shopping paid for.

As with most pandemics, we have to wait for it to subside and go from existence.

Stabilizing Mental Health

From time to time, people and animals share a likeness in health, one that is sometimes not talked about. This is of cause Mental health.

We have all done it one time or another, having depression, and only a few hear voices. I am sadly one of those people. Hearing voices is a no go area, as it can say hurtful things about yourself or other. It could also make you do uncertain things like cutting yourself or stabbing another person.

But it is with voices that you need to see a specialist doctor, one that has trained in mental health, and one that wants you to get well.

You will of cause get medication to help suppress your voices. Either it be Oral or Injection based.

I started on oral tablets and many to try to suppress the voices, I cannot remember how many I went through, but it could be counted on one hand or two.

Then came Injection based.

It might work the other way around for you as we are all different and certain medications might not work for you, but you might have to put up with the voices until you have Stabilised.

The process can be short or long, depending on the mind and what meds you take.

These should be taken regularly and should not be missed.

Water stream

Water flows, Water dissipates, Water flows through a stream. Water meets the ocean and wanders all around. Circling as it makes waves. Water then decides to go back to sea front and rubs against the sands of time. Water carries sand to new found-lands.

Water emerges as the sands of time gets blows from the stream. Water carries water through pipes and into the bellies of those that are thirsty.

When somebody new comes into the circle.

Are you comfortable having the same people around you or that come visit you, are you the one who says keep your friends close but your enemies even closer.

Well if this is you, you have to accept that new people will come into your life and share a life bond with them. Meaning that they have some of the same interests as you or eat the same foods.

Now that I get injections weekly for my Schizophrenia, I am having a new Care Co-Ordinator. I have met them today and for once I am happy with it. As they seem understanding and empathetic towards me.

Bans for Bans

When you are in a group of social meeting places like the net, like forums or other software. There comes a time that you might have a Ban. This ban will only run for a few days, to perhaps a month, or might be perminent.

But be rest assured that it is only temporary and you will have posting privileges lifted.

But what if they do not lift, well that will be one site you may never be able to speak ever again. Dependant on what you did or what you said.

Boredom Looms

With this Covid-19 being around and the uk in lockdown, we are starting to be bored, as we have nothing to do but to spend time with loved ones that are in the household. And either spend time on the computer or watching tv or playing online games.

We do not know when the virus will be dormant meaning that the deaths ease up, and that the spike that deaths occur goes down. That will be the time that we will see a lockdown being withdrawn.


In the uk we are going into lockdown for 3 weeks – 3 months of staying in and not going out. This is because of the worlds covid-19 coronavirus, by all the infected people that are carrying this. It is not understood by many that this is a pathogen and will kill them if caught.

I for one will be staying in unless needing to get supplies, and get my medications.

Why would you

If you are like me and just looks around at the many creatures about, doing what they do daily. Then why would you contemplate doing a nasty thing like trying to commit a fellony.

It could be that you are bored or it is your upbringing.

Why would you suffer the loss of ones loved ones, and why would you lie about what you did.

Why would you listen to people who do not have your best interests at heart.

Why would you do a nasty like trying to commit suicide when your life is precious and deserving.