That time the cops came around.

Sometimes, you need an authoritative summons when you least expect it, which can give you insight into what you have done wrong.

I, for one, have had this.

As a story Ends, a new beginning unfolds.

But what is this beginning? Life is short, and there is a better way to live it—with no remorse and Self-Degregation that blossoms from knowing that as a person of interest. I can now put to death a notion that was and now is not.

Through co-operation. I will now live my life the way it was intended.

Single life is what comes after.

Getting Ready

Most of us need to be motivated to do almost anything, but first, we must get the tools and attire to be completely ready.

This comes when most of us have a job or education requiring commitment, just as it would be if we did not learn anything before today’s tasks. This is key to completing the task and having time for ourselves.

But why the interest in why we need to be ready before we even think of what will endure a day of hardship and resolve?

Well, you will only know when your mental ability will allow for different times and resolve why you must contact a certain person for help if needed.

Knowledge Vs Learning

Every now and then there comes a time that something has to test your knowledge. Like being on a game show, or somebody asking you a question.

But if you did not know anything about the topic of discussion, would you go and find the information or would you enrol on a course to learn something new.

Perhaps you want to become a doctor or lawyer. This will inevitably take time and money. But for what you pay, you will have learnt a vast majority of the things that it takes to become what you would like to do as a job or hobby.

I myself am going to learn English, even though it is my first language, as I would like to have a level 2 in the subject since only received an E in my GCSEs.

So what are your thoughts?


If you were walking down the road and found a stash of Money, would you hand it over to the authority or keep it?

This is where Discrepancy comes to play.

It is advised that you do not spend the money in question but either try and find out who owns it. And then to hand it over to them.

As you may receive an award of some sort.

This is where your conscience comes to play. As it is a Catch-22. As if you did spend it and the owner comes to collect. Then you are in big trouble. And if you handed it over to the authorities and nobody collects it. Then you would be kicking yourself for doing so.

Another Discrepancy is when you said you had done something but you never did.

Mistaken Moderation

As you know that when you speak or write, you have to watch what has been said and written. Yet for those of you who just do not care about Political Correctness.

You will either be told to lessen your lip, as the old saying goes. And read before Posting.

If neither of these is correct, then you will be moderated by your peers.

If you said or wrote something that you thought to be harmless, and practical to the subject at hand. You may have Mistaken Moderation as opposed to you. As what was said or written, is not good for the rapport of yourself and others.

Mistaken Moderation is when you say or write something that is to be convened to be ok, when in fact is inappropriate to the subject. Meaning that when somebody hears or reads what was said or written, they are trying to censor you for what you said or did. When in fact is not needed to be censored.

As Time Disappears!

If you knew nothing of time, and you knew nothing of how time works. Then you would not know what time to sleep and wake.

If you knew nothing of time and you wanted to book a holiday, you would never be able to go to your destination as you would never know what date it would be and what time you coach leaves.

If you knew something of time, you would be escalating the vacuum of space.

It would then become apparent that the time you spend with your family and friends will become precious as you would never know what came or had gone before.

But why would time disappear, as you know time goes forwards and not backwards. As it starts to unwind from the broken promises of kingship.

When I say Kingship I mean a time that had no time at all, and those that were alive had unlimited time to live. An Eternal for that matter.

But we never needed knowledge only freedom to live.

Is Sleep Propnatic

For those of you who uses sleep to gain energy for the start of the day. Do you sometimes overdo it when needing to get something done in the day.

Or are you one who finds it difficult to get to sleep, when going to bed and just laying there,

I find that when I get up in the evening, that I find it difficult to get to sleep during the night. And when I do fall asleep, I am either focusing my thoughts on the days revenue, or listening to the radio.

As some of you who do not get out that much may be lacking in VITAMIN D. If you are, then please see a doctor, who will tell you to take x amount of vitamin d tablets, for x amount of time.

I know as About 2 years ago I had to do just that. But since I am sometimes housebound meaning I am not getting out as much during the day and getting the suns rays to my face and hands. That I might need to do this again.

Hinderance Accolade

Are we, who we are supposed to be in a world were governed by imbeciles.

Or are we just playing the waiting game in a world of Hinderance Accolade.

When we say Hinderance Accolade, we mean that for each action there is a reaction to what progressed. It helps us to think that when we are who we say we are, that no matter the consequence, we either help or tarnish a developmental stage of approval.

We therefor work alone, and in groups where we learn and conquer what it is that needs to be done in stages.

As we grow and whimper at what had been done in the past or present, we need to nurture what is wrong and make right.

Wanting Vs. Getting

For those of you who want, are you just having the thought of getting.

For those that are Getting, are you just having the thought of wanting.

These are two case scenarios and they play key in knowing what a person is thinking and doing.

If I was a person that wanted and got, I would be in a lot of debt.

Once the need goes and you have what you wanted and had gotten what was needing to get.

I assure you that with time spent with the item or thing you wanted and got, it would wear off and you wish that you did not get.

From Within

Have you ever noticed that when you are quiet that you can sometimes hear your own voice. This is an internal monologue, that nearly everybody has.

It can either be your thoughts concentrating on a task or something other than Voices.

You would know when you are hearing voices because they never shut up and is when your mind is going twenty to the dozen with no slow down. It will start to slow down, once you have gotten some medication or peer to peer conversations.

But what if they can not slow down and you have no help from anybody, even if you are unable to talk to a professional.

Well the short answer is, Call your doctor or walk into a medical centre for help. They will try and diagnose what you have and try to help.

Once you have a diagnosis and are well with the medication or time spent in a hospital. You will feel better in your self and will be able to concentrate on menial tasks like you used to do.

But what if the drugs are not working. Or if you are on tablets and you think you do not need them.

Then there would be a reprise of the voices and your brain will start to go into overdrive once again.

It is better to take your medication when you on something daily weekly monthly. If having injections I would advise doing this when you are needing to go to your local Psychiatric centre and get it.

Mine used to be fortnightly but since I became accustomed to the injection and was going down within a day before my injection was due. I had to have the top up when my Psychiatrist prescribed it and did the injection. But then if having the same injection for some time it could be that you may go down a few days before. This happened to me and I relapsed.

I went back into Psychiatric care and advised that I would stay there until I got my medication correct.

Once they put me onto something and I was showing signs of health coming back. Whilst on Tablets.

When they were going to give me the same medication but in liquid form I asked if I could have it weekly.

I am now now the mend but still hear voices from time to time, but is nowhere near as much as I had when in Psychiatric care.

I will never be 100% fit. And I may never be able to work again. But what I am saying is get a diagnosis and get help.

Thank you for listening.

Also you may be destined to have Voices if any member of your immediate family has had voices before.