From Within

Have you ever noticed that when you are quiet that you can sometimes hear your own voice. This is an internal monologue, that nearly everybody has.

It can either be your thoughts concentrating on a task or something other than Voices.

You would know when you are hearing voices because they never shut up and is when your mind is going twenty to the dozen with no slow down. It will start to slow down, once you have gotten some medication or peer to peer conversations.

But what if they can not slow down and you have no help from anybody, even if you are unable to talk to a professional.

Well the short answer is, Call your doctor or walk into a medical centre for help. They will try and diagnose what you have and try to help.

Once you have a diagnosis and are well with the medication or time spent in a hospital. You will feel better in your self and will be able to concentrate on menial tasks like you used to do.

But what if the drugs are not working. Or if you are on tablets and you think you do not need them.

Then there would be a reprise of the voices and your brain will start to go into overdrive once again.

It is better to take your medication when you on something daily weekly monthly. If having injections I would advise doing this when you are needing to go to your local Psychiatric centre and get it.

Mine used to be fortnightly but since I became accustomed to the injection and was going down within a day before my injection was due. I had to have the top up when my Psychiatrist prescribed it and did the injection. But then if having the same injection for some time it could be that you may go down a few days before. This happened to me and I relapsed.

I went back into Psychiatric care and advised that I would stay there until I got my medication correct.

Once they put me onto something and I was showing signs of health coming back. Whilst on Tablets.

When they were going to give me the same medication but in liquid form I asked if I could have it weekly.

I am now now the mend but still hear voices from time to time, but is nowhere near as much as I had when in Psychiatric care.

I will never be 100% fit. And I may never be able to work again. But what I am saying is get a diagnosis and get help.

Thank you for listening.

Also you may be destined to have Voices if any member of your immediate family has had voices before.

Mentoring vs. Mentored

What would you say if you did not know a subject, or you found it hard getting to the answer. Then you must be mentored, as you will gain an abundance in learning a way of finding the answers you seek.

But those of you who have been mentored, would you seek out a way to help others in the same position as you.

Are you a mentor, and wanting to teach those that need help in learning a subject that you find easy.

Many of us find it hard sometimes in giving advise in a way as to help the recipient to another way of thinking. And that you are the one who is teaching them.

I suffer from PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA and I have difficulty responding to many questions that you seek, but I have life experiences about the why, the who, the what, and again the why.

Why is this, well I will tell you.

For those of you in a trance and need help in getting out of it, and you want it to be today.

I cannot give any information or even tutoring in this way. But I can relay what I have been through and what it is that I have endured during the trance stages.

First you have depression, then you cannot get out of it. Then you go to the doctors with this and ask why you are like this. The doctor either gives you a prescription for drugs, or asks you to go to get analysed by specialists.

This goes on for many affectees and they seek a definitive answer for their condition.

It may take some time for a correct concoction of drugs that will work, and one that will help the condition in which you are in.