What would you do?

If you know somebody who was having difficulty explaining themselves to you about how they felt. What would you do?.

Would it be a cry for help or would it be something disturbing that the person you knew would not talk, and will not seek help.

And depending on how long they have been feeling this, could it just be some form of depression and nothing more.

If it became bad and you had no hope of them speaking about the way they were feeling, it is time that you stood up and got them some professional help.

I had been feeling this once, and it is not nice, as we are social creatures, and we need an audience to talk to others. But once you start to become unwell and either start to hear voices. They alone are your audiences.

So professional help is key in getting them the support from doctors to Psychologists. About how to treat you either at home or in a constitution.

But once you have had the support and on the correct medication, your life should return back to normal and you will be talking to family members, friends, colleagues once again.

So the moral of the story is to talk about how you feel no matter what it entails and to make sure that if you do find yourself doing the same thing again. Then your loved ones may need to step in again and get you some needed rest.