
Meals are something to do with family or friends or if you are alone with pets. It is during these times that we get to increase our metabolism so we can gain the energy from foods that we eat.

Also during the day, we do certain activities that need to be done and sometimes this is work-related. But during this time we want to have more of the day for relaxation. As in the early years of work, you would basically work from sunrise to sunset, and not a lot of people could do this.

During nearly everything that has been or will be covered has stated that for all the during’s that is to say that there is a start, middle and end.

The start is during bedtime and the waking of a person to do something for the day ahead, the Middle is something that has been compleated and the End is to recharge our batteries with sleep.

So during all of this, we find that during the day we talk, eat, walk, write, and a host of other things that keep us sane and well.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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