Skint or Rich

Many people have money when they grow up, but it is with this that it makes a life bearable or easy. As many live on the bread line, they cannot affrord expensive gifts. And they have to finance their money daily, yet with other having vasts amount of money, they do not need to bat an eye, when purchasing a expensive gift.

Also when people are skint, they do not have the opportunity to go place and they find that life is hard for them, they also find that the time goes by fast.

When people have money and they can purchase anything at any time or a number of times, they tend to either save more, or are stinghey with their money.

Also rich people tend to live fast as they do not know the meaning of time.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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