Under, Over

For those who seek to find the real me, good luck trying.

The reason why many people seek is that they are looking for proof of other adverse truths. And it is with that that they will search for any information regarding a subject.

Look at what is, and what isn’t, to find that knowledge is the understanding of both. It tells a story of what was and what is not, in keeping with this, we will find the key hole at the end of the tunnel.

Joke me once, and I might smirk, Joke me twice, and I might smile, Joke me once while I am smiling, then I will laugh. But what is laughter if you cannot and will not show any Emotions.

Over the years I sought fortune but never knew I was rich with love.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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