Inject to Not diverse

When you are little and growing up, you learn about your surroundings and the people who you see nearly daily.

But what you do not know is that them people have some secrets that they do not want the world to know.

It is that either that they are some sort of LGBTQ or they are living the life they wanted. Without regrets.

But once you start to see the changes in them, and they are happy. You feel for them. Meaning that no matter what they do you are glad that they are still alive and well.

But what if they did not show it in early age. Would you see them Take control of their lives at a tender age of OLD.

We as a humanity need to get on with people from all diverse background and live the life we and they choose.

We are only here once and we need to get along with people as a means to help one another when the time comes.

I myself thought that I was just a transvestite, and later resolved my issues with my family. Only that I do not dare to do it now.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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