Tablets vs. Injection

For me I have Injections into the buttocks, as I know I will never miss a Tablet again.

The reasoning why I have this is that when I was coughing and throwing up, Since trying to give up smoking and not knowing that I have narrow airways of the throat, My tablets were either not getting into my system and then making me relapse into a different state of mind.

When I was in hospital and getting my Injection administered by the then nurse.

I had asked for this weekly as the last Injection, that I had was bi-weekly. And I had lasted 3 years since succumbing to a relapse.

The doctor there was about to state that I will be getting my New Injection every bi-weekly. But since knowing that I had been going down since having it like this every so often it would increase between a day and two, to the then 4 days before I was due my Injection.

The doctor stated that I could have this and I have been stable since then. But I do still hear the birds talk, I just ignore them.

The reasoning for this post is that I asked my Physician about what would happen if I were about to go back onto tablet form.

They stated that I would only get enough for a week at a time and that they would have to see me to see what state of conscious mind I am in. And that if I would go back onto tablets that I Would have to take a dose that is nearly equivalent to the dose that I am on now.

I just wanted to know and I said that Confucius said if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Author: UnFathem Cortex

Just a viewer of time and what makes a day. I see and analyze what went before and after. Just looking through the schism of time.

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