Smoking behavioural support

As many of you may be smoking, there comes a time that you will have to quit this deadly habit and try to quit either with support from family and friends or by a service that offers behavioural support in quitting smoking.

It is apparent that smoking gives you a lot of forms of cancer and even may kill you. But for the die hard smokers out there. You can and will find that cease smoking will be beneficial to your health.

It reflects that smoking used to be beneficial to health in order to get rid of colds. But as the years went by and smokers dying because of this combustion, that governments started to look at this as a loss of revenue from its constituents and in order for them to gain money, it needed services that would help those in need.

That is why and is, that smokers should give up smoking but never giving up the fight to quit.

Under, Over

For those who seek to find the real me, good luck trying.

The reason why many people seek is that they are looking for proof of other adverse truths. And it is with that that they will search for any information regarding a subject.

Look at what is, and what isn’t, to find that knowledge is the understanding of both. It tells a story of what was and what is not, in keeping with this, we will find the key hole at the end of the tunnel.

Joke me once, and I might smirk, Joke me twice, and I might smile, Joke me once while I am smiling, then I will laugh. But what is laughter if you cannot and will not show any Emotions.

Over the years I sought fortune but never knew I was rich with love.


What is a Celebrity, and where do they come from.

Once over a Celebrity used to be stars of different genres and now today we have media in the sky. Who vlog daily with new videos.

But has the normal Celebrity died out. Only one could gather.

They are the pinnacle of their genre. But those who Vlog. They gain some recognition of the types of videos they put out. Yet they do not get royalties like normal Celebrities for what they do. Yes they get the kinship of followers, but they do not make an abundance of money for their vlogs.

Educate or Illiterate

Whilst you are growing up you learn the basics from your guardians. These guardians are either your mother, father, nana, grandad, brother, sister, uncle, auntie, foster-parents. They first teach you about feeding and sleeping, then with language development.

Then comes walking, and the rest is history, unless, you can remember all the key facts that they teach you about the naming of items. This is when your speech is needed, you may want to reach out and touch things (physical development). Or to hear what is said.

They will of course keep pestering you to name the item that was said a few days ago (intellectual development) to rekindle a learning that is in the brain, total recall as it is known.

Once you have left the home and gone into education, you learn more things each day and if you are interested in a subject that the teachers had been talking about or your friends having conversations with you about what they like, then you will be learning and asking questions to learn even more. But once you have left the first stage of play in school, you will then be assessed upon your learning and ability to have total recall. It is key to note that these exams gather information about how the educator is doing in embracing your understanding of the natural world.

They will then give you marks out of a 100% to show how well you do in a given subject. For the most part you will be put into a group of other students who’s academic ability is about the same as yours.

This will last until you are about to go to college or university, I myself only went to college, and you are marked upon academic ability of either Pass, Merit, Distinction.

But what if you where unlucky enough to only just pass your schools main exams.

Are you going to become a millionaire or somebody who does not like to learn, and thinks it uncool to learn anything.

The basic fundamental thing in a Child’s life is to learn, they like to learn and it is fun.

The main understanding for babies to learn is known as P.I.L.E.S


These represent the backbone of what a baby needs to learn to develop with others.

But in an adolescent it is just P.I.E.S


As they will have already learnt language in a way that is acknowledgeable tor them, either speech from the mouth or speech using their hands. Sign language is for people who have just recently or was born without hearing.

What I am saying is that no matter how intelligent there is always more to learn, and it does not matter on age or circumstances. You will learn, one way or another, it might be hidden in your talents, but you learn each day.

Take for instance somebody walking across the street with oncoming traffic. You got across the other day without any harm, you can do it again. This time it might have taken little to no time to cross the street as you judge speed distance time to cross.

There you have just learned three key areas of maths, and did not even know it. You will in fact estimate the best time to cross.

This then brings me to illiteracy, you are either born with a mental disorder that makes you unable to read the written word to make assumptions as to what the word is.

Dyslexia is a mental disorder that jumbles the letters around so you do not know what is written and is hard for the person to get by, unless trained in a way that they start to familiarise themselves with what is actually written.

Borrowing Against Savings

For those of you in debt, did you spend more than you earned, or even saved during a time that you had no bills to pay.

Borrowing is the means of getting money for nothing and repaying more back, but you will be in debt once you borrow even 1 penny.

Even saving money can have its downfall. For instance, if you saved every penny you got as a child and your legal guardians paid money in to your banking building society. And once you become of legal age, You may not be able to claim maintanace from the governments. So no matter what you save, you will need to get a job or spend it before this.

I would like to see those that are in debt to get out of it, and those who have thousands of pound or dollars, in the bank before they are legal age, To spend before this time is up.

Heat & Light

What is your favourite time of year, will it be cold, hot. And what is your perfect time of day, light nights, dark nights, early morning, early afternoon.

I find myself liking the summer months with it being light at night. But not the heat that is known as blistering heat. I like some warmth but not at night when it should be cooler so you can sleep easy.

It is for one thing that I like afternoons, as this is usually when I get up from my slumber and start the new day of with a start.

I find that if you like the cooler weather and like snow and ice, then the best bet is to move to a cooler climate. But I bet it is only in December that you like this.

My Question to you is What is the optimum time of day and what temperature do you like?.

Fundamental of life

What would you say if nothing existed and nothing was created. This is the fundamentals of life. And it is the creation of the Big Bang that came from somewhere in the centre of the universe.

I believe that the Big Bang was created by heat and heat alone, it is either minus or positive heat that no human can know about. It is like millions or billions ºc or ºf that is hot enough or cold enough to form a spark and that spark ignited causing an explosion.

That explosion made the heat to cool and form debris, and over millenniums to collide and collect together to form the planets and stars, that are in existence today.

I believe that it will do it again when planets and stars come together, in the distant future.

It will happen again and again, until no wars or famine exist.

As you would normally have dreams about what was and what might be in the subconscious aspects of a dream.

I will leave you this conundrum.

What would you say if nothing existed.

New Year New You

Things have been different during the last year of 2020 and was wondering if 2021 might be the same. But, without wearing a facemask.


Covid-19 has been deadly, and has killed many innocent people, as it does not grudge either babies to elderly. It has also been found in animals. But it has taken the world at ransom. As it is still injuring the breathing of many people and animals. It is a form of Pneaumonia that has mutated.


There has been many theories as to where and who created it, or wether it is a natural occurance in mutated deseases.


I for one is still wearing a facemask from my house to my local shop and local mental health department to get my weekly injections. The only thing that I hate the most about this is that you cannot see facial expressions. And also it sounds muffled for the person you would like to talk to or ordering things from behind the counter.


Right now in the UK we have a vaccine that is supposed to rid you of Covid, and help the immune system to focus on killing it when injected. As nearly every 100 Years, there is a new flu that mutates into a global or local epidemic.


I just do not know for certain if I will be taking this vaccine, nor does my mother know. It is doing frontline keyworkers first then going down to the less susceptible.


But it is a New Year of course, and it should be better than the last.