Mentoring vs. Mentored

What would you say if you did not know a subject, or you found it hard getting to the answer. Then you must be mentored, as you will gain an abundance in learning a way of finding the answers you seek.

But those of you who have been mentored, would you seek out a way to help others in the same position as you.

Are you a mentor, and wanting to teach those that need help in learning a subject that you find easy.

Many of us find it hard sometimes in giving advise in a way as to help the recipient to another way of thinking. And that you are the one who is teaching them.

I suffer from PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA and I have difficulty responding to many questions that you seek, but I have life experiences about the why, the who, the what, and again the why.

Why is this, well I will tell you.

For those of you in a trance and need help in getting out of it, and you want it to be today.

I cannot give any information or even tutoring in this way. But I can relay what I have been through and what it is that I have endured during the trance stages.

First you have depression, then you cannot get out of it. Then you go to the doctors with this and ask why you are like this. The doctor either gives you a prescription for drugs, or asks you to go to get analysed by specialists.

This goes on for many affectees and they seek a definitive answer for their condition.

It may take some time for a correct concoction of drugs that will work, and one that will help the condition in which you are in.


When do you sleep?, is it in the morning or afternoon or at night. And if so do you get a good few hours sleep that Is nice, without being woken up by anything.


Or do you only get a few hours before needing to go somewhere. I for one find it hard to drift off, to the land of nod, but I do get a good amount of sleep.


But lately I have been finding it hard to stay asleep and get the restfulness that I need. I will try and get to sleep when I do.


Sleep is key to play out a story in the dream world in which we need to clear out our short term memory and recharge our motivation.


It is also key to being good for those who need a good nights kip, for the day ahead.